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Myopathy Specialist

Houston Neurological Institute

Neurology Specialists located in Pasadena, TX & Pearland, TX

Myopathies are diseases that affect the muscles, leaving you weak and fatigued. If you're struggling because of myopathy, Houston Neurological Institute in Pasadena and Pearland, Texas, can help. Its experienced neurologists determine which kind of myopathy you have and provide the most effective therapies to minimize your symptoms. For expert treatment of myopathy, call the Houston Neurological Institute office closest to you today or book an appointment online.

Myopathy Q & A

What is myopathy?

Myopathy is a term for neuromuscular disorders that cause muscle weakness as a result of muscle fiber dysfunction. Myopathies can also cause muscle cramping, stiffness, and spasms.

Some kinds of myopathy are inherited, while others are acquired. Examples of different types of myopathy include:

  • Central core myopathy
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Kearns-Sayre syndrome
  • Pompe's, Andersen's, and Cori's diseases
  • McArdle, Tarui, and DiMauro diseases
  • Dermatomyositis
  • Myositis ossificans
  • Familial periodic paralysis
  • Polymyositis and other inflammatory myopathies
  • Neuromyotonia

Myopathy can affect any muscles in your body. However, a common presentation is proximal weakness, where your upper arm and leg muscles are significantly weaker than the muscles in your hands or feet.

In some patients, myopathy causes the muscles that help you breathe (the respiratory muscles) to weaken, so you become short of breath. Your muscles could also start to atrophy after years of having myopathy, becoming wasted and even weaker. People with myopathy often have abnormally shaped bones, too, as their muscles aren't supporting them properly.

You're likely to find the weakness myopathy causes gets worse throughout the day or if you try and do too much. Other symptoms of myopathy include fatigue and an ongoing lack of energy.

How is myopathy diagnosed?

To diagnose symptoms of myopathy, your provider at Houston Neurological Institute performs a physical exam and reviews your medical and neurological history. You might need to undergo lab tests to measure the levels of enzymes in your muscles and look for systemic diseases that could be causing your symptoms.

Electrodiagnostic tests like EMG (electromyography) can also help determine whether you have myopathy and assess the effects on your peripheral nervous system and muscle function.

In some cases, diagnosing myopathy accurately requires a muscle biopsy. That is an outpatient procedure where your provider takes a small sample of muscle tissue for lab analysis.

How is myopathy treated?

The treatment you need for your myopathy depends to an extent on which type of myopathy you have, so an accurate diagnosis is important.

Most forms of myopathy require a combination of treatments that could include physical and occupational therapies, speech and swallowing therapy, and medication.

Some myopathies need treatment with immunosuppressant drugs or therapies like IVIg (intravenous immunoglobulin). Houston Neurological Institute has an infusion center on-site that offers patients a convenient and safe way to receive their medication.

If you have any myopathy symptoms, contact Houston Neurological Institute for a prompt diagnosis and expert treatment. Call the nearest office today to schedule a consultation or book an appointment online.