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Blog Articles

Helping a Loved One with MS

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive neurological condition that can be quite debilitating for those living with it. If you care for a loved one struggling with MS, we’ve got tips that make it easier and more beneficial for both of you.
Jul 26th, 2024
4 Reasons NOT to Ignore Chronic Migraine

4 Reasons NOT to Ignore Chronic Migraine

A migraine attack is worlds away from a standard headache — and chronic migraine disorder is particularly difficult since it means you have more than 15 headache days per month. Learn why it’s vital to seek treatment for chronic migraine, here.
Jun 12th, 2024
Neurological Conditions You Can Pass to Your Children

Neurological Conditions You Can Pass to Your Children

Neurological conditions are complex, and some can be inherited. Learn about some of these conditions here, and know that the Houston Neurological Associates team advises parents and parents-to-be, while offering advanced care.
Apr 11th, 2024
Understanding Your Treatment Options for Myopathy

Understanding Your Treatment Options for Myopathy

We offer advanced treatment for myopathy, a painful muscle condition that can be inherited or diagnosed later in life. Learn more about the different types of myopathy, symptoms, and importantly, effective treatments, here.
Feb 7th, 2024
Balance Training for Multiple Sclerosis: What to Expect

Balance Training for Multiple Sclerosis: What to Expect

Living with multiple sclerosis (MS) poses formidable physical challenges, and though the condition isn’t curable, there are treatments that can significantly improve your mobility and quality of life. One is balance training. Learn more here.
Dec 4th, 2023
The Link Between Vitamin Deficiencies and Neuropathy

The Link Between Vitamin Deficiencies and Neuropathy

Neuropathy is nerve damage that affects over 20 million Americans. There are many types of the disease and many causes, including one you may not have considered. Learn about what it is and effective treatments here.
Nov 2nd, 2023
Understanding the Different Types of Epilepsy

Understanding the Different Types of Epilepsy

An epileptic seizure is a frightening experience, but there’s more than one type of epilepsy and many types of seizures. Learn more about the condition, seizure symptoms, and effective treatments, here.
Oct 6th, 2023
How Does BotoxⓇ Treat Migraine?

How Does BotoxⓇ Treat Migraine?

Migraine is more than just a headache. Attacks include neurological symptoms such as nausea, visual disturbances, and mood changes. If your life is altered by frequent migraine attacks, it might surprise you that BotoxⓇ has proven to be an effective treatm
Sep 6th, 2023
How Sleep Disorders Can Lead to Depression

How Sleep Disorders Can Lead to Depression

Nothing saps your energy — and your joy — like a lack of sleep and the accompanying exhaustion. Maybe that’s because sleep disorders are closely associated with depression. Learn about this connection, effective treatments, and more, here.
Aug 4th, 2023
What Is an EMG, and Why Would I Need One?

What Is an EMG, and Why Would I Need One?

Electromyography (EMG) is an innovative diagnostic test that measures nerve and muscle function, helping us discover the causes of pain, tingling, and burning that affect many parts of the body. Learn more, and why you might be a candidate.
Jul 12th, 2023
Why Identifying Your Migraine Triggers Is So Important

Why Identifying Your Migraine Triggers Is So Important

A billion people around the world suffer from migraines. As many can attest, predicting migraines can be difficult, but there are some common triggers. Here, we explore these triggers and why identifying them is so important.
May 18th, 2023